
香港特区第六届行政长官选举 |选委:要爱国 为香港争取更大竞争力

【#香港特区第六届行政长官选举# |选委:要爱国 为香港争取更大竞争力】5月8日,香港特区将举行第六届行政长官选举,由选委会委员一人一票选出新一任行政长官。CGTN记者杨诚曦@杨街森 采访到一些委员,一起来听听他们有哪些期待。 The election of the chief executive of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will take place on Sunday. Members of the Election Committee will meet to select the next leader of the city. What expectations do the members have for this election? Check out the video.

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